bird eyeHello all. First let me introduce myself, I’m K and I’m an aspiring writer as well as an avid reader. I created this blog because I understand how hard it is to write and I realise I’m not the only one who struggles. It’s not easy writing something everyday, and sticking to deadlines constantly, however, getting distracted by daily life has proven itself to be rather effortless. I’m the kind of person who gets easily distracted and discouraged, I’m also the kind of person who will beat myself up about getting distracted and discouraged and quite frankly I’m tired of this endless, pointless cycle. I’m a writer and I want to write! And hence this blog was born.

Words That Fly is intended to fulfil multiple purposes. Firstly, it makes me write at least four out of the seven days in a week so I don’t feel bad about not writing everyday, because four is better than none. Secondly, it helps me and others to get back into the writing mentality. I do this by posting different writing challenges which I will complete along with any of you who might choose to do them. These writing challenges also help with the whole ‘write everyday thing’ that both aspiring writers and authors should aim for. Thirdly, the site gives me a way to put down my thoughts about books which I feel make me want to write. I know you all know what I’m talking about, that feeling you get when you finish a book and you think “I want to write like that”. I think aspiring writers should keep reading, because the love of the written word is the reason we write. Books also serve as a learning experience as you break down what the author did that you wouldn’t have done or wouldn’t have thought of doing or you wish you could do. Finally, this blog serves as a place where writers and readers alike can come together and share in some sort of solidarity.

bird in flightSecretly, I’m a very organised individual and I’ve made some decisions about how I’m going to run this blog efficiently and consistently. You can look forward to new posts every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Sunday mornings (before midday my time) are reserved for my Morning Muse posts, which are my weekly book reviews of books I feel writers can learn from and that writers and readers alike might enjoy (or not, depends on how I rate it). I haven’t really decided on what I might do the other three days. This is my first Monday post and basically it’s giving you all an overview so you know what to expect.

Quite possibly, I’ll be using Mondays and Wednesdays as the days where I let everyone know where I believe I’m at as a writer. I believe it’s important that we’re all honest with ourselves otherwise how would we be able to improve? Not knowing where we’re at means that we don’t know what areas we’re lacking in and that we don’t know how much work we should put in. I’ll also use to them to give writing exercises, post a prompt for everyone to write a piece from or I’ll look at a piece and break it down. If we’re lucky we might have guest posts. Of course at this exact point in time no one really knows that this blog exists so guest posts are really a pale dream. Fridays will be reserved for recaps of the rest of the week as well as something completely random and maybe even what I’ve managed to produce while doing the writing exercises or the prompts. This is all subject to change as time goes on and I learn more about what I’m doing. I also plan to do some writing challenges but these aren’t set as yet and I want to surprise you all so you’re going to be left in the dark about them for now.

I just realised I forgot a crucial part of this message. I’m mostly interested in young adult fiction hence most of my reviews will be on young adult novels which touch the realms of the paranormal and sometimes mysteries. Sometimes I’ll break out of my tiny box but I felt I should be upfront about this in case anyone got disappointed or upset. I understand completely if anyone feels that this blog is not for them because of this reason, people have preferences, it’s a fact of life and I can deal with it. I hope I’ve interested everyone enough that you’ll read my next post.dancing parrot


Until Wednesday,

K, the Popinjay.