
TGIF @ GReadsThis is a weekly feature hosted by Ginger from GReads and it’s called TGIF @ GReads! Basically, Ginger uses it to do a short recap on that week’s posts as well as to pose a question to her followers. I’ll be answering that question here as well as doing my own recap of the week’s posts.

This Friday’s Question:

Book Associations: Which genre, authors, or particular books do you think people associate with your reading style?

This is a pretty easy question to answer. The genre is young adult all the way! Then you get the odds and ends thrown in, usually it’s chick lit, paranormal romance, mystery, etc. But sometimes I read something that surprise people, books like Ugly. Really I’m like a seemingly innocent juice with a few surprise ingredients thrown in to give it an interesting kick.

The authors would probably be limited to Meg Cabot. To be honest though, I read so many books by so many different authors that there wouldn’t be any constants. I’ve just got a really nice mix going on.

Some of the books that I’d associate with my reading style are all things Meg Cabot, dystopians like The Hunger Games and XVI, sci-fi’s like Across the Universe, paranormals like the Strange Angels series, and many more. I love books with strong female protagonists with their own opinions and unique voices.

What about you?

K, the Popinjay.

This week at Words That Fly (and Baffled Books):