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InMyMailboxIn My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren that allows to showcase the books that we have received/purchased over the past week.




So I’ve decided to take part in another meme called In My Mailbox. This is going to be my way of sharing with you guys all the great books I’ve got in the last week as well as to give you a heads up about what kind of reviews are coming up. So here goes.



Everyone meet Belinda! I finally got myself a kindle! Yay! This will make reading books that I have to review so much easier. Instead of having to read my e-galleys on my laptop all the time, I can just take my kindle with me and read on the go. How exciting is that! Thank you, Amazon!


Ah! Defiance! The fourth book in one of my favourite series ever and I bought it for myself! Honestly, I don’t remember the last time I bought a book unless it was a textbook. I’m so happy. It was so awesome. Thanks to me!




Received/ Borrowed:

The Near Witch

Wow, I’ve really wanted to read this one for a while. I actually requested it on NetGalley but I didn’t get it. Luckily, Lisa from BaffledBooks agreed to lend it to me. Unfortunately, I haven’t started it yet mostly due to her warnings to sleep with the lights on after. Uhm yeah, thanks a lot Lisa.



For Review:

MisfitDaughter of the CentaursCroakPilgrims Don't Wear Pink

I have to thank NetGalley for all these books as well as the publishers, which include: ABRAMS, Random House Children’s Books, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

So, what’s in your mailbox?

K, the Popinjay.